How to Make a Natural Remedy for Stretch Marks
Almost every woman at some point in their lives will develop stretch marks. They look like red to purplish lines across the body, and with time, they will turn white. Two conditions that tend to make the lines appear are
and obesity. The only way to avoid stretch marks is preventing them. Once the stretch marks develop, they will stay with you forever; but with time and some work, they will be less noticeable. Read on to learn more.
Things You'll Need:
Pure water
Olive Oil
Vitamin E capsule
Plastic Wrap
Petroleum Jelly
Dissolve 1/2 tsp. of borax in 2 tsp. of boiling water.
Melt 4 tbsp. of petroleum jelly and 4 tbsps. of olive oil together over low heat.
Slowly add the borax mixture, stirring to mix thoroughly.
Remove the mixture from the heat.
Open a capsule of Vitamin E and squeeze its contents into the mixture.
Beat the mixture as it starts to cool to emulsify.
Rub the mixture onto the stretch marks using a circular massaging motion once it has cooled. Wrap the area with plastic wrap, place a hot towel or heating pad on it, and leave it on for about 20 minutes. Remove the wrap and massage into the skin, wiping off any excess.
Tips & Warnings
The mixture may be stored in an air-tight container for future use in the refrigerator.
Ways to help prevent stretch marks are: a balanced diet, drinking water (at least 8 to 10 glasses a day), taking your vitamins, exercise and not smoking.
Almost every woman at some point in their lives will develop stretch marks. They look like red to purplish lines across the body, and with time, they will turn white. Two conditions that tend to make the lines appear are
and obesity. The only way to avoid stretch marks is preventing them. Once the stretch marks develop, they will stay with you forever; but with time and some work, they will be less noticeable. Read on to learn more.
Things You'll Need:
Pure water
Olive Oil
Vitamin E capsule
Plastic Wrap
Petroleum Jelly
Dissolve 1/2 tsp. of borax in 2 tsp. of boiling water.
Melt 4 tbsp. of petroleum jelly and 4 tbsps. of olive oil together over low heat.
Slowly add the borax mixture, stirring to mix thoroughly.
Remove the mixture from the heat.
Open a capsule of Vitamin E and squeeze its contents into the mixture.
Beat the mixture as it starts to cool to emulsify.
Rub the mixture onto the stretch marks using a circular massaging motion once it has cooled. Wrap the area with plastic wrap, place a hot towel or heating pad on it, and leave it on for about 20 minutes. Remove the wrap and massage into the skin, wiping off any excess.
Tips & Warnings
The mixture may be stored in an air-tight container for future use in the refrigerator.
Ways to help prevent stretch marks are: a balanced diet, drinking water (at least 8 to 10 glasses a day), taking your vitamins, exercise and not smoking.