How to Create Affirmations to Improve Your Self-Esteem

How to Create Affirmations to Improve Your Self-Esteem

These days, our self esteem can be compromised by almost anything. We are bombarded with unrealistic images of what we should look like, what we should have and how we should live. When our reality does not meet with the fantasy, we can begin to feel bad about ourselves and feel our self esteem plummet.

For some of us, low self-esteem has always been an issue. We have struggled with how we see and feel about ourselves. Sometimes this has been compounded by unpleasant events, failures, failed or toxic relationships etc.

If your self esteem is low or could use some improving, consider changing the way you see yourself. One way, to do this is to create personal affirmations that will help you work on that. Affirmations are positive declarations that can be used to change your self perception and habits for the better. Here are some tips to help you create your own affirmations that will help improve your self-esteem.

Tips & Warnings

Consider reading positive self-help books that offer affirmations or advice on ways to look at yourself in a positive light.

Add any affirmations that you find useful to your affirmation list.

Take anything not so good or that does not seem to be negative and turn it into a positive. You will be amazed at how the change in your perspective can change how you feel about the situation. This in turn, can change how you behave and what happens in your life.

This is a process that may not be complete in a few days. This is only the beginning in a process to delve deep and address issues that you are facing or dealing with. Continue to go through the process and add affirmations to your list until you find a change in the way you see and feel about yourself.

Affirmations are great to write, but you must actually say them aloud every day for them to be effective.