How to Create a Formula for Good Health

How to Create a Formula for Good Health

Chinese medicine is an ancient healing art going back at least 3,000 years. Traditional Chinese medicine doctors create personalized herbal formulas for optimal wellness. Creating your own simple formula for good health requires a basic understanding of the principles and a willingness to experiment with your own health. Take a chance on your body and learn how to get healthy. You deserve it.

Things You'll Need:

Vitamin C

Calcium supplement



Learn about your body and what makes it tick. Read books on Chinese medicine and its origins to get an understanding of the material. Create a health formula from your reading that you can follow daily.


Start the morning off with a daily regimen of vitamins to improve your health. Take recommended doses of vitamin C and calcium to strengthen your immune system and bones. Drink a glass of orange juice instead of water with all of your daily medication. Take your pills daily to keep your body in sync. One missed pill puts your whole body out of balance.


Get your qi, your body's energy source, back to normal by keeping active. Take a morning bike ride or walk around your block. Focus your mind on the activity and give yourself time to wake up before starting your work day. Impulsive actions reflect poorly on you physically and mentally.


Create a yin and yang type diet by balancing meals with healthy foods and your favorites. Reduce the amount of fast food you eat. You can still eat your favorite food, but order it only once a week instead of three times. Cook at least two meals a day and create different food combinations to keep your diet interesting. For example, add some chicken to your spaghetti or your Caesar salad.


Deal with stressful situations by taking up yoga to relax and develop your flexibility. Talk with a therapist about any personal issues that hinder your life. Also schedule a massage to physically rub the tension out of your body. If the massage fails, have a glass of wine to calm your nerves.

Tips & Warnings

Give yourself some time to escape from your everyday problems. Erase another hectic work week by doing your favorite activities. For example, have a spa day or go camping with your friends. On this day, think about anything but your problems.

Explore alternative formulas to becoming healthy. See an alternative medicine doctor if conventional medicine has failed. Take the Chinese herb your mother recommended to help fight your cold. Keep an open mind about possible cures for what ails you.

Don't deprive yourself too much of your favorite bad habits (e.g., junk food or buying designer shoes). Give your schedule and diet some flexibility to keep yourself from giving up. Balance some pleasure with health and you'll enjoy life more.

Avoid getting too much or too little sleep because your qi gets run down and susceptible to illnesses. Develop a regular sleep schedule and stick to it. Put aside any remaining work for tomorrow--one day won't make a difference.